I don't feel too bad about the way I look, exactly. I'm not happy but I'm trying to make peace with it. I'm not always successful. I definitely still see some evidence of Lala's birth but it's only been two months so that's not too bad. But I know that my weight will not get better on its own. I know that it would be better for my body and my future if I could get it under control. I know that if I can get my weight under control early enough that Lala will benefit. I know I will be happier and less sick.
I want to do it. I have started my weight loss journey several times but am generally undone by my lack of discipline. I have a serious sweet tooth and my husband and I both love fried and sauced food. I drink way too much soda. I don't exercise.
In short, it's going to take a lot of change to do this.
Change isn't easy. But I want it. So I'm going to try again. And again, if I have to. And again.
At this start, I have a hundred pounds to lose. I'll add some fitness and nutrition goals as I go but that's the long term goal. First things first, cut back on the crap and stop sitting on my ass.
I'll let you know how it goes.